Quaker Houghton Aquacut MB

Quaker Houghton Aquacut MB A biostable metalforming coolant for section rolling operations
Quaker Houghton Aquacut MB is a fully biostable high oil content metalforming fluid, producing a milky/semi translucent emulsion when mixed with water. It has been developed to meet the lubricity and corrosion performance criteria of conventionally coupled milky type soluble oils, whilst its unique biostable base additive technology eliminates the need for phenolic couplers or added biocide systems.AQUACUT MB has a substantially increased service life when compared with conventionally formulated high oil content emulsions and tolerance to poor working conditions is also much greater.
The high oil content of Quaker Houghton Aquacut MB aids lubrication of rolls and resists metal pick up in section rolling operations whilst also assisting in machine tool lubrication and contact corrosion protection. It is suitable for the rolling of sections in galvanised materials and gives good protection against galvanic debris sticking to the rolls and minimises incidence of staining.
o Biostable formulation for extended sump life
o Improved lubricity and extended roll life
o High degree of machine tool lubrication
o Good resistance to corrosion and zinc staining
o Excellent operator acceptability
o Good EHS profile: free of Triazine
- Appearance – Amber yellow liquid
- Specific Gravity@ 20°c – 0.93
- Refractometer Factor – 1.0
- pH in Use – 9.1
AQUACUT MB should not be used at concentrations less than its specified break point
Maximum metalforming performance can be achieved at concentrations up to 10% however, the majority of operations may be carried out with concentrations in the range 3 – 6%.
Water soluble coolants are complemented by our full range of high quality, speciality production fluids including energy saving wash chemicals , low misting neat cutting oils, nonvoe rust preventives and long life heat treatment fluids. Fluidcare services complete our value added portfolio with a range of expert services and equipment to help reduce costs and improve productivity. For more information, please contact your local Houghton representative.
Please refer to section 7 of Safety Data Sheets for handling and storage information, including product shelf life. Product should be stored under cover in clean, dry conditions and protected from frost Recommended storage temperature is usually between 5°C and 40°C unless otherwise specified. Use stock in delivery rotation.
Safety data sheets are available in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 1907 /2006 Annex II and (EC) No 1272/2008.
For further information on this product or current substitutes, please Contact Us.

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