Castrol Boost WP 45

Castrol Boost WP 45 Water Phase - Multipack Water Soluble Metalworking Fluid
Castrol Boost WP 45 is the water phase of the innovative Castrol Multipack metalworking fluid system. Multipack combines the effectiveness of advanced metalworking fluid performance with the efficiency to manage fluid systems for maximum sump life. Boost WP 45 the water phase containing fluid management components to ensure bacteria control, pH stability and corrosion protection. It is used in conjunction with Castrol Hysol EM 400 or Care Cut SM 452 which are based on advanced ester components to ensure improved tool life and part quality. The Multipack technology allows for variable concentrations of each phase depending on the severity of the operation. In addition, lower fluid make-up costs are achieved as only depleted components are added back to the metalworking fluid system.
Boost WP 15 BF as part of the Multipack metalworking fluid system is recommended for machining and grinding of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Consult your Castrol Account Manager for questions regarding compatibility.
Recommended in-use concentration
Cast iron 1 – 3% Hysol EM 400/CareCut SM 452 1.5 – 2% Boost WP
Aluminium 4 – 8% Hysol EM 400/CareCut SM 452 1.0 – 1.5% Boost WP
Grinding 1 -2% Hysol EM 400/CareCut SM 452 1.5 – 2% Boost WP
- Helps to improved environmental compliance with the use of ester oil technology
- Advanced lubrication can help to extend tool life and improve part finish
- Versatile fluid suitable for a wide range of applications on multiple metals
- Long system life to prevent rancidity
Emulsion control A detailed control plan and a technical service matrix are available from your Castrol Account Manager, To avoid product deterioration always keep the container/drum tightly sealed. Store the product in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Prevent exposure to frost and avoid water ingress. For optimum product stability, it is preferable to store the product indoors between 5°C and 45 °C / 41°F and 113°F.
For more details, please refer the product safety data sheet.

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