Castrol Iloform PS 301

Castrol Iloform PS 301 Synthetic Soluble Forming Fluid
Castrol Iloform PS 301 is a fully synthetic, boron-free water-based metalworking coolant for use in metal deformation.
Iloform PS 301 is used in the metal deformation industry where the coolant can contain up to 5% gear oil contamination. It is used in high-speed steel deformation processes which operate continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To enable the fluid to be used at low concentrations Iloform PS 305 offers a very high degree of corrosion protection against ferrous and yellow metals and minimises cobalt leaching from machine tooling.
Iloform PS 301 is recommended for use with Castrol’s fully compatible synthetic gear oil Alphasyn CF 150. A low level of contamination of Iloform PS 301 with Alphasyn CF 150 gear oil is recommended to support the deformation process.
Castrol Iloform PS 301 Synthetic Soluble Forming Fluid Advantages:
- Very good short-term corrosion protection helps minimize the scrap rate
- Minimizes cobalt build-up which can lead to health hazards and tool/part failures
- Fines separate easily, resulting in a clean running system
- Stable, oil-rejecting solution to provide easy skimming and long bath life which helps to reduce maintenance and disposal costs
- Excellent wetting and cleaning of the metal surface during the deformation process reduces the effort in downstream cleaning processes
- If required, it is cleaned off with a cold or warm water rinse at low-pressure
It is recommended to use Iloform PS 301 at concentrations between 1.6 to 3.3% in soft water in continuous steel deformation production processes with Alphasyn CF 150.

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