Quaker Houghton Cosmolube LI EP +2

Quaker Houghton Cosmolube LI EP +2
COSMOLUBE LI EP greases are premium quality multipurpose greases for use in all anti-friction and plain bearings subjected to medium to high load conditions.
Their high lubricity and anti-wear characteristics ensure reliable protection of systems and components.
COSMOLUBE LI EP greases are recommended in general industrial applications for the lubrication of anti-friction and plain bearings, pins and bushings.
COSMOLUBE LI EP + 2 in addition can be used for extreme duty applications, for slow heavily loaded bearings, or those subject to percussive or shock loads
They can be applied manually, by grease gun or cartridge, or via a suitably designed central lubricating system.
o Excellent extreme pressure and anti-wear performance
o High degree of corrosion protection
o Highly versatile, multifu net ion al
o Excellent pumpability
- Base oil viscosity at 40°C est – 150
- Dropping Point °C (ASTM D556) – 190
- Oil Separation% (ASTM D6184) – 3.6
- Water washout at 3SoC % (ASTM D1264) – 5
- Timken OK Load (ASTM D1264) – >50
- Four Ball Weld Load kg (IP 239) – 315
o Lithium soap extreme pressure greases
o All products pass corrosion tests: Copper Corrosion (ASTM D4048) 1 b and Rust Protection (ASTM D1743)
o For best performance, maximum continuous operating temperature should not exceed two-thirds of the Dropping Point
o Numbers in product names refer to standard NLGI consistencies
Safety data sheets are available in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 1907/2006 Annex II and (EC) No 1272/2008.
Please refer to section 7 of Safety Data Sheets for handling and storage information, including product shelf life. Product
should be stored under cover in clean, dry conditions and
protected from frost. Recommended storage temperature is usually between 5°C and 400C unless otherwise specified. Use stock in delivery rotation.
As well as greases, Houghton supplies a range ofHoughtoDrive and Sta-Put hydraulic and lubricating fluids designed to work in harmony with our wide range of metalworking coolants.
We also specialise in fire resistant hydraulic fluids of all categories, under the brands Hydrolubric, Houghto-Safe, lsocor, Hydrocor and Cosmolubric.
For further information on this product or current substitutes, please Contact Us.

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