Quaker Houghton Houghto-Drive HM 46

Quaker Houghton Houghto-Drive HM 46 Hydraulic Oils
Houghto-Drive HM Hydraulic & Lubricating Oils incorporate safe and effective additives in high quality solvent refined base oils.
Designed for the arduous requirements of high performance hydraulic systems, they are also suitable for machine tool lubrication, allowing product rationalisation.
Hydraulic systerns requiring maximum antiwear protection. High-speed machine tool spindles and gearboxes.
o Longer plant / equipment life, with fe11ver failures
o Lower spend on maintenance and repairs
o Increased plant availability
o Reduced energy consumption
o Increased productivity
o Multifunctionality aids inventory management
- Specific Gravity@ 15.5 ℃ – 0.88
- Kinematic Viscosity@ 40 ℃ cSt – 46
- Kinematic Viscosity@ 100 ℃ est – 6.8
- Viscosity Index – 100
- Pour Point ℃ – -15
- Flash Point °C (ASTMD92) – 200
o IS06743-6 HM
o DIN 51524 part 2 and 3 (HLP)
o Vickers M 2950-S
o US Steel 127,136
o Cincinnati Machine P-68, P-69, P-70
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