Wheeled Spill Kits

Wheeled Spill Kits - For Workplaces With Potenitally Large Volumes Of Spill Risk
Why you need spill control:
Compliance with regulations
Internal environmental/safety standards
Compliance with ISO14001
Insurance liability
Duty of care
High capacity Spill Kits for areas where potentially large volumes of liquid present spill risks
Ideal for quick reaction to incidents and highly mobile
Helps protect the environment and workplace from contamination and enables swift clean-up
PPG26 states the requirement to have Spill Kits on site to respond to any spills. Spill Kits containing plugging compound, drain protection and oil or chemical absorbents should be on site. All staff should be trained in the use of this equipment. It is also recommended that vehicles transporting drums and IBCs carry spill protection.
Store in an indoor dry environment and check periodically for signs of damage or ingressing dampness.
PPG26 states the requirement to have Spill Kits on site to respond to any spills. Kits containing plugging compound, drain protection and oil or chemical absorbents should be on site. All staff should be trained in the use of this equipment. It is also recommended that vehicles transporting drums and IBCs carry spill protection.

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