Why Castrol Oil?

Kernow Oils is the UK’s Industrial Specialist Castrol Oil Distributor

Why choose Castrol Oil over other brands?

      • Global Expertise
      • The latest thinking
      • Advanced Technologies
      • The highest quality ingredients

All are utilised in Castrol’s leading-edge products. Each product is specifically designed to deliver technology that positively impacts your equipment’s performance, lifetime and productivity.

Castrol oil offers you a comprehensive range of world-class lubricants. These deliver the performance you need in a full range of applications, including the most demanding and capital-intensive. This is where leading-edge lubrication technology is required.

As Castrol’s UK Industrial Specialist Castrol Oil Distributor, we can help make sure your equipment runs reliably, even in difficult and sometimes hostile environments, and for long periods – giving you improved production efficiency.

Only Castrol oil has the technology inside. So don’t just settle for a lubricant that satisfies the basic required specification. Look after your investment and get protection that exceeds the necessary standards.

As the UK’s Specialist Industrial Castrol Oil Distributor, we hold a full range of stock in our warehouse to fulfil your lubrication needs.

Castrol Oil news

Castrol Oil is the global leader in its formulation of truly unique problem-solving products. Take a look through Our Blog for case studies, the history of Castrol, and the latest product news. The Castrol brand has a very active presence on Facebook and Twitter. With LinkedIn, we have the double whammy as there is a separate dedicated Castrol Oil Automotive and Castrol Oil Industrial feed.



Castrol Acrylic Mould Dressing

Castrol Acrylic Mould Dressing

Castrol Aero 35 Yellow - Aviation Oil

Castrol Aero 35 Yellow

Castrol Aero 40 Yellow Landing Gear 5G

Castrol Aero 40

Castrol Aero HF 585 B Aviation Oil

Castrol Aero HF 585 B

Marine Lubricants


Castrol Biostat 150 Lubricant Oil

Castrol BioStat 150

Castrol Biobar 22 Lubricant Oil

Castrol BioBar 22

Castrol Biobar 32 Lubricant Oil

Castrol BioBar 32

Castrol Biobar 46 Lubricant Oil

Castrol BioBar 46

Food Grade


Castrol Optileb CH 150 Food Production Lubricant Oil

Castrol Optileb CH 150

Castrol Optileb ch 1500 Spray Food Oil

Castrol Optileb CH 1500 Spray

Castrol Optileb FD Spray Food Oil

Castrol Optileb F&D Spray

Castrol Optileb GR 823-0 Food Safe Oil

Castrol Optileb GR 823-0

Spill Containment

Castrol CareClean AS 1 Manufacturing Hydrocarbon solvent cleaner

Castrol CareClean AS 1

Castrol Careclean PLUS Cleaning Solution

Castrol CareClean Plus